Table: Income eligibility limits and children served
iew a table of all 64 counties listing income eligibility limits and number of children served in 2012.
County | Number of Children Who Utilized CCAP Day Care in 2012** | Eligibility income limit as a percent of poverty |
Adams | 3,545 | 225% |
Alamosa | 177 | 185% |
Arapahoe | 2,855 | 185% |
Archuleta | 33 | 130% |
Baca | 34 | 225% |
Bent | 44 | 225% |
Boulder | 1,561 | 225% |
Broomfield | 171 | 185% |
Chaffee | 66 | 165% |
Cheyenne | 16 | 165% |
Clear Creek | 35 | 185% |
Conejos | 18 | 225% |
Costilla | 8 | 225% |
Crowley | 86 | 225% |
Custer | 21 | 225% |
Delta | 193 | 185% |
Denver | 5,028 | 225% |
Dolores | 6 | 160% |
Douglas | 632 | 200% |
Eagle | 109 | 185% |
El Paso | 4,634 | 150% |
Elbert | 75 | 185% |
Fremont | 328 | 225% |
Garfield | 166 | 225% |
Gilpin | 37 | 225% |
Grand | 92 | 190% |
Gunnison | 47 | 175% |
Hinsdale | 2 | 175% |
Huerfano | 31 | 225% |
Jackson | 0 | 190% |
Jefferson | 2,843 | 185% |
Kiowa | 11 | 225% |
Kit Carson | 41 | 200% |
La Plata | 283 | 200% |
Lake | 46 | 185% |
Larimer | 1,671 | 150% |
Las Animas | 148 | 225% |
Lincoln | 26 | 130% |
Logan | 210 | 175% |
Mesa | 1,261 | 165% |
Mineral | 2 | 130% |
Moffat | 60 | 225% |
Montezuma | 170 | 160% |
Montrose | 380 | 150% |
Morgan | 125 | 150% |
Otero | 172 | 225% |
Ouray | 14 | 225% |
Park | 28 | 300% |
Phillips | 41 | 185% |
Pitkin | 22 | 185% |
Prowers | 169 | 130% |
Pueblo | 1,747 | 185% |
Rio Blanco | 27 | 185% |
Rio Grande | 116 | 130% |
Routt | 36 | 130% |
Saguache | 18 | 200% |
San Juan | 0 | 225% |
San Miguel | 23 | 200% |
Sedgwick | 14 | 185% |
Summit | 145 | 175% |
Teller | 97 | 150% |
Washington | 30 | 225% |
Weld | 1,725 | 170% |
Yuma | 48 | 175% |
**The county counts add up to more than the state-wide counts because some children are associated with utilized care in more than one county. |