Rocky Mountain Public Media is committed to improving digital media literacy in Colorado. We aim to achieve this by fact-checking claims that are likely to be passed on or repeated by others, teaching our fact-checking process, and partnering with educators, librarians and others to amplify similar efforts.

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Our Partners include MedaWise, a nonprofit, nonpartisan program of The Poynter Institute.

Our fact-checking is rooted in the Digital Inquiry Group's Civic Online Reasoning curriculum, which boils down to three questions:

Who is behind the information
what is the evidence
what do other sources say?

Reality Check Mission

As part of Colorado’s largest statewide member-supported multimedia organization, the journalists at Rocky Mountain PBS are driven by a desire to serve our communities. We aim to empower all Coloradans, regardless of political affiliation.


Few topics are as ripe for misrepresentation as politics. In this election year, we have an opportunity to explain the purpose of Reality Check, a nonpartisan educational initiative of the Rocky Mountain PBS journalism team to create a more media-literate Colorado.


Media literacy is the ability to determine the quality and credibility of information to know what to trust, share, and act on. Facts matter, and digital media literacy has become an essential life skill. Educating and empowering Coloradans to be more discerning consumers of information is foundational to strengthening our democratic society.


Our mission: To advance the practice of fact-checking throughout Colorado, creating better informed, more engaged, and more empowered individuals – and ultimately a stronger democracy.


Our vision: A Colorado where people of all ages and backgrounds know how to identify credible information and understand the indispensable role a free press has in our democracy.


Our strategy: Partner with local, national, and international media literacy educators, fact-checkers, and librarians to engage and educate Coloradans wherever they consume media.


The sheer volume of today’s everyday inaccuracies, manipulations, and deception in the information we consume requires us all to be skilled fact-checkers. Here are the tools. Please use them.

Jeremy Moore

Rocky Mountain Public Media

RMPBS News on TikTok

Follow us for more Reality Check videos!

The Latest Fact Checks from PolitiFact

Fact-checking and media literacy resources

Info Interventions with Google Jigsaw

Google Jigsaw created a website with the videos, plus shorter versions, and additional prebunking campaigns along with a how-to guide for practitioners, papers, and blog posts.

Colorado resources

Meet our partners

Alex Mahadevan

Director, MediaWise

The Poynter Institute

Fernanda Camarena

Former manager of Standards & Practices at NBC News

The Poynter Institute