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This is a short-form interview series that pairs younger generations with older adults as they explore the world together on trishaw bikes. The show is inspired by the global non-profit, Cycling Without Age, which takes older adults on trishaw outings to feel the wind in their hair. From the Santa Barbara coastline to Barcelona beaches, each episode unlocks the lived experiences of today’s olde

Latest episode

A Lifelong Athlete’s Return to Motion at 92 Years Old

Season 1 Episode 2 | 12m 19s | CC

Retired nurse Birgitta Bexelius, 92, starts her days at Wood Glen Hall in Santa Barbara with a walk and a call to her son. Originally from Sweden, she moved to the U.S. in 1958 and spent 45 years as a nurse, finding joy in caring for others. A lifelong athlete, she recently rediscovered the thrill of movement on a trishaw ride, evoking the freedom of skiing.
