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Crash Course: Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to Crash Course Artificial Intelligence! In this series host Jabril Ashe will teach you the logic behind AI by tracing its history and examining how it’s being used today. We’ll even show you how to create some of your own AI systems with the help of co-host John Green Bot! AI is everywhere right now and has the potential to do amazing things in our lives.

Latest episode

The Future of Artificial Intelligence #20

Season 1 Episode 20 | 10m 50s | CC

We've spent much of this series explaining how and why we don't have the Artificial General Intelligence that we see in movies. Siri frequently doesn't understand us, we probably shouldn't sleep in our self-driving cars, and those recommended videos on YouTube & Netflix often aren't what we really want to watch next. Let's talk about what we do know, how we got here, and where we think it's headed
