Sunday Update: 131 cases now in Colorado
Press release from CDPHE: The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) confirmed 30 new positive cases in Colorado, based on overnight test results. That brings the total number of positive cases to date to 131. Following CDC, all presumptive positive cases are now considered positive. CDC is no longer performing confirmatory testing.
The test results include 25 from the state lab and 5 from private testing facilities that are receiving samples from health care providers. The state can confirm completed test results on 758 people by the state lab since testing started on February 28. Private labs are not required to report negative numbers to the state, so we are not reporting total testing numbers for the state.
CDPHE is reporting aggregate testing results data once daily, approximately mid-day.
Total new positive cases: 30
Age range:
- Teenaged - 4
- 20s – 4
- 30s – 7
- 40s – 4
- 50s – 7
- 60s – 3
- 70s – 1
County of residence:
- Arapahoe – 3
- Boulder - 3
- Denver – 4
- Douglas - 4
- Eagle – 4
- El Paso – 1
- Garfield - 1
- Gunnison -
2 - Jefferson –
5 - Weld - 2
- Unknown - 1
- Residents:
30 - Visitors: 0
- Female: 11
- Male: 19
To ensure expedience on reporting positive cases, the state will provide overall testing statistics as soon as we are able on the website.
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